Jasmine's World

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Hello everyone!!!! First of all sorry i havn't blogged in like FOREVER!!!!! My bad!!! LOL!!!! Well, I was looking at everyone elses blog and realized that i needed to start blogging on mine again!!!! I didn't know how serious bloggers were about this blogging thing, i thought that it was just like u blog if you want to but NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Yall are way more into it than i thought!!! WAY MORE!! lol!!! Well anyways, today has kind of been a blur!!! For the past week I've been having some trouble with my jaw hurting!!!Well everytime i talk ( which is alot) and everytime I eat my jaw pops, it is really painful!! Last nite I got home from the gym and my jaw was hurting soooo.... bad, I was almost in tears. So i put some ice on it and took some ibuprofen and it got a little better and finally i was able to go to sleep!! Well i made an appointment to go to the dentist Thursday at 10:00 so maybe they will tell me something then!!! My dad has told me some scary stories about some of his customer that has had TMJ a jaw thingy and told me that they had to actually break their jaws and wire their mouth shut for like a month!! So now Im scared out of my mind that Im gunna have to have my mouth wired shut!!!HOPEFULLY NOT!!! That would be torture!!!! but anyway Addi came and spent the night with us last nite and its always fun having her over she is sooooo funny!!! Well i got up and took a shower and i got out and was getting ready and here comes Addi walking in half asleep, her hair all messed up and she says " Jasmine I really wanted to sleep with you last night but I didn't want to bother you because your mouth was hurting" and i thought that was soo sweet of her!! She is growing up sooo fast!! So after i talked to her for a minute she wanted something for breakfast and we ate, then she said that she wanted to look just like me today, so i did her hair, make up, and we made necklaces to match the are so funny mine says ADDI AND JAZZ BCGF (best girl cousins forever) and hers says ADDIDNAJAZZFGCB lol it was so much fun!!! I don't know wat i would do without having her around!!! Sorry about not blogging again Ill try to keep it up this time!!


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