Jasmine's World

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Today I had a good but tiring day!Kim,Addi,Levi, and I all went to parrish to take my mama to get groceries at Son's!!so we were busy all day long but it was fun!!I havn't been to see my grandparents in a while so it was fun!!and of course addi and levi made it fun too!!lol!!well after we got back from Parrish I hung out at kims house for a while and then my dad came and picked me up and we were so hungry so we went to Speedy's and got something to eat it was sooooo good!!!i had 2 beef burgers!!lol!!but then we came home and ate and then i went into my room and chilled out for a while b/c i was exhausted!!i didn't sleep but i jst rested!!i tried to go to sleep but it didn't work i jst couldn't make myself go to sleep!!i hate it wen you wanna go to sleep sosoooso bad and you can't go to sleep!!i wander why that happens??!!lol!!well anywayz!!lol!!after i ate i came downstairs to get on the computer and guess who was on it???well if you guessed alex you were rite!!and he was in one of his little moods!!and i hate them he jst gets so crabby sometimes and i hate it!!so i sed well can i get on the computer and well yall knw how loud he is well he sed "NO I WILL GET OFF IN A MIN AND YOU CAN WAIT!!" but yea i was like whoa sorry lol!!but then mom made him get off and go study for his chemistry test!!so that was good!!so now im jst waiting around for zac to get out of band so i can talk and not be bored to death anymore b/c after this there is nothing to do!!lol!!well i guess thats all!!


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Meredith said...

I miss you and skittles too! I hate that I had to leave y'all cuz as soon as I got home 2 wks later my best friend left me to go to school! So whats going on?


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