Jasmine's World

Monday, August 14, 2006


Hey everybody!!thanks for looking at my blog!!I'm a little new at this my cousin kim said "Jazz you really need to get one of these you will like it oh, and it can be counted as school work!!lol!!"so i was like ok so thats's what we did for one of my things of work today!!but today is my first day of school it is super HARD!!lol!!j/k!!i love homeschooling with kim and getting to see addi and levi everyday it is super fun!!and i never stop going!!lol!!if its changin a diaper or watching a movie with addi and if i hear it once i hear it a million times a day "Jasmine you will take me to play on my swingset??"lol!!its soooo much fun!!well i guess thats all !! JASMINE:)

This is a picture of me straightening my cousin Addi's hair!!it looks like a wig when its straight!!But its sooo cute!!!and it was super fun!!she thought she was Ms.DIVA!!!


At 11:45 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Hey Jazz! Thanks for telling me about your blog...I wish I could count blogging as part of work. Gotta go. Love ya!

At 5:23 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Hey Jazz! Your blog already looks great! I hope you enjoyed making it! You should tell people that you do real school work too!!!

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Welcome to the world of blogging.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Hey Jasmine! I wish I could blog at school! I can't even access it at school! lol!


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