Jasmine's World

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

What a Day!!

man o man has it been a day!!lol!!j/k!!it hasn't been to bad!!well i had to get up at 6:30 this morning to take mom and this lady she works with to work so i could have the car to get to kims for skool!!so i got there at like 8:15 this morning and as soon as i got there i started some of my work i memorized my 10 verses for the day and then read 2 chapter of 1 Corinthians then i read half of the 2nd section of my chemistry!!then i went to sleep and i think addi woke me up at like 10 or 10:30 something like that im really not sure!!lol!!but you jst don't knw how nice it is to wake up to a face like addi's!!and every five seconds she would say jasmine when are you gunna get up and i would say give me like 5 min then she would say ok jasmine i will wait on you to get up then the next thing she would say was jasmine when are you gunna get up??lol~it was really funny but i finally got up and she was happy!!lol!!well i did my work and before i knew it it was like 2:30 and kim said that she was gunna pick alex up and come back home so she did and when she got home alex and me left to go pick mom up from work!!then after we did that we came home and i ate and then well i was gunna go to yoga but i didn't feel like goin b/c the ms. teen usa pagent came on and it was really good i picked the winner from the begining!!lol!!and dad didn't!!lol!!then i got on the phone for a little while with Zac i don't think i stopped laughing the hour we were on the phone!!but anywayz hes the best ever!!lol!!well all in all it was a pretty good day!!i guess thats all!! JASMINE:)


At 11:11 PM, Blogger Kim said...

3 posts in 2 days- I'm impressed! Love ya!

At 6:52 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I can't believe you ditched us at Yoga Jazz...I waited for 35 mins. for you! Nah, j/k! I couldn't go either! I am impresssed with your blog like Kim said. Keep up the good work. Have fun with chemistry!

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Paul said...

If you need me to tutor you on your sentence structure and spelling, just let me know.

Just teasing.

At 5:20 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Hey! Nice blog! Pam and I went to yoga and we were like 5 minutes late. We drove up to the building and we could see that they had already started. Since we were both tired, we just drove on out of the parking lot. BUT...we are there next week!


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