Jasmine's World

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Weekend:-)

well i havn't been on here since Thursday so i think i have a lot to write or type whatever you wanna call it!!well Friday i went to the Flicks at homewood park and it was really fun they played ice age but i don't think i really watched ummm..... like any of it but it was fun!!Rae and Stephen came and picked me up and we went to eat at McAlisters Deli and it was really good when i finally got my food!!Yall know what i figured out this w/e i don't think ppl at food places like me to much b/c at McAlisters i ordered first and i was the last one to get my food and i only got it b/c i asked them about it if i hadn't have asked them i don't think i would've gotten my food and then at Taco Bell tonight i ordered 2nd and Rae,Emily,Alex,Joey,Sydney, Devin, and Tina all got their food before i got mine and yet again i had to stand there and watch everybody eat until they finally asked me if i was waiting on something and i was like well what do you think im not standing here for nothing!!but i finally ended up getting my food and it was really good!I LOVE CRUNCHWRAPS!!lol!! well Saturday i got up early and went to the doctor b/c i wasn't feeling very well and then after i went to the doctor mom and I went to Cracker Barrel to eat breakfast and when we were eating we kept seeing ppl with bright orange armbands on and finally i figured out what they were ppl that had went and signed up to try out for american idol!!!it was really kool!!but i wasn't sure so of'course mom had to turn around and ask them it was really funny!!well then after we ate i went and rented 2 movies and then came home got ready and left to go to Zac's house and we hung out from like 2 to 10 it was great i had such a good time we watched last holiday and excorcisim of emily rose(it was really stupid) but we had alot of fun together but then again we alwayz do!!!well so today i got up and went to church and came home and took justin home b/c he had spent the night with alex sat. night and after that i came home and ate and then i got really tired really quick so i went into my room and took a nap so i napped from 1:30 to 4 it was a really good nap!!i was quite refreshed wen i woke up!!but after i woke up i called Zac and we talked for a little while and wen i got off the phone with him it was time to start getting ready for church and then me and alex were off to church(mom went to hoover C of C for something)and in the middle of service a bunch of us got upa nd went to the area wide youth devo at Shades Mountain C of C and we got there late butit was fun!!and i learned something good about Tina she likes to say her own personal prayer before the prayer actually starts!!lol!!j/k if you're confused jst ask me or alex or tina about it and we will tell you its really quite funny!!lol but then when that was over we went to eat at taco bell then we came home!!but yea that was my weekend!!i told yall i thought i was gunna write or type alot tonight!!but o well it jst gives all of yall a little more to read!!lol!!but i guess thats all


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