Jasmine's World

Thursday, August 24, 2006

So Close!!

Well yesterday at about 4:30 or 5 Kim called me and i just thot that i had forgot something at her house or something but it was something totally different!!!She called to tell me that Katies water broke and we were gunna have a baby y-day or today so!!we all went over there after church last nite just in case baby Hannah was born!!At about 10:45 baby Hannah was born she weighed 8lbs 4oz!!well my mom took predictions from everyone about when they think hannah was gunna be born and how much she was gunna weigh and i picked the 24th and 8lbs and 5oz!!i was soo close i was and hr and 15 minutes and 1 oz off!!i was SO CLOSE!! but im really glad she was born it was really exciting!!I don't think Kim sat down the whole time we were waiting in the waiting room!!it was soo funny i think she was a little anxious!!lol actually alot!!lol!!!but im really excited about hannah being here and i know katie and josh are too!!Congrats you guys!!!well y-day was a FULL day but it was fun though!!i got up at like 8:15 and took a shower and got ready to go to kims house for skool and i got there at like 9 maybe but when i got there i started doing my work and when i got done Addi and i cleaned the living room and them i took her to the park it was fun !!!she sang her ABC's for me and this is how she told me it went "A B C D E F G next time won't you sing with me" lol how funny is that i think i laughed for a solid 5 minutes over that!!but then i went and got alex came home chilled for a while and then we loaded up and went to church!well then i got up and addi came over today and we have been playin and watching cartoons all day!!well i guess thats all!!


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Paul said...


At 9:25 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

Update your blog Jazz!

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Update your blog or else!!!

At 7:07 PM, Blogger Kim said...

I think you're getting an "F" in computer!!!! UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!!!

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Kim said...

UPDATE!!!!!! I'm going to keep leaving annoying comments until you update!!!!

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Kim said...

Even though my threats haven't worked so far- UPDATE YOUR BLOG. I think you fail now.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Paul said...

She's too busy with Zach. That's why there hasn't been an update.


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